Thursday, November 2, 2017

Enough Dithering

Well readers. You’ve probably lost all thoughts of another update ever making it’s way here... fear not, I’m just being terribly slow at updating this, the work continues. There has been quite a bit of vascillation on one topic. Namely colours. This has lead to procrastination in actually getting the car ready for painting. No colour choice, no need to paint... except the thought of living with battleship grey gelcoat any longer has spurred us into action. (Some parties have been quoted as saying they are now fond of said battleship grey. Definitely time to act!)   Which brings us neatly to this.
Yes, monday week ago the Cobra was loaded onto a man with a trailer thing, and taken to the paintshop.
Popped into the oven on arrival to dry out - and a low bake to pull anymore air bubbles under the gelcoat out so that the base material is fully stable for prep and paint.
Getting covered up ready for the machinery to come out and start blocking down ready for filler coat.
Back into the paint booth having been blocked and prepped - the ridges from the mould all treated and rubbed down and then filler coat will be sprayed on.
After tthat will be sand down, then high build primer, then colour, gloss, possibly a bit more paint, and some more gloss... all will be revealed. 
Will take about 4-5 weeks and we’re one week in. Very exciting!